Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Delightful Flags Quilt Kit

One of the things The Quilting Cottage does best is put together a quilt kit.  We have quilts hanging in the store and most of them have that sweet message pinned to them: "Kit Available."  That means you don't have to try to find fabrics that look good together.  You don't have to worry about having enough of one of the fabrics.  No math, people! 
The pennants on this baby quilt were cut with a fancy rotary cutter with a scalloped blade.  You can put your own creative spin on it with buttons and flowers.
"Delightful Flags" all ready for you to make!  Make sure you check the inside label of your kit - you may need to buy a back and a binding while you're still in the store.


  1. Love this quilt, do you have an online store where this quilt kit can be purchased?

    1. Nancy, we do not have an online store, but I sent you an email a few days ago. Check that and get back with us if you're still interested in purchasing this quilt kit. Thanks!
